Not only is it high in protein, our canned shrimp is also great-tasting and convenient to reach out at any time for your quick meal as shrimp is beloved by everyone and simply go with many recipes. Our state-of-the-art production premise produces canned shrimp from fresh natural raw material manually peeled one by one and processed through superb quality assurance in every step to guarantee top quality, antibiotic-free.
Picnic and Cocktail shrimp which are of smaller pieces, can be a good choice for certain recipe of food application such as fried rice, pizza topping while the bigger range be it Tiny or Small shrimp are also a good company to complement your salad or pasta dish to let you enjoy meaty juicy whole shrimp.


Small / Medium / Large

(80 - 120 pcs / can)

(120 - 180 pcs / can)

Picnic Plus
(150 - 240 pcs / can)


307 x 107

307 x 113

307 x 201

401 x 212

401 x 411
Style | NW(g) | DW(g) |
Small (60 - 80 pieces / can) | 200 | 121 |
Tiny (80 - 120 pieces / can) | 200 | 121 |
Cocktail (120 - 240 pieces / can) | 200 | 121 |
Picnic Plus (120 - 240 pieces / can) | 200 | 121 |
Picnic Plus (150 - 240 pieces / can) | 200 | 121 |
Picnic 20% + Cocktail 80% (130 - 188 pieces / can) | 200 | 121 |
Picnic (over 180 pieces / can) | 200 | 121 |
Cocktail (140 - 224 pieces / can) | 200 | 133 |
Tiny (88 - 133 pieces / can) | 230 | 133 |
Cocktail (250 - 370 pieces / can) | 425 | 250 |
Picnic 20% + Cocktail 80% (476 - 715 pieces / can) | 800 | 480 |
Cocktail (476 - 715 pieces / can) | 800 | 480 |