Statement of Sustainability
PFG - Pataya Food Group is aware and have high concern on the impact of our business operation to the environment and the community as a whole. PFG Executives and employees are aware of our responsibilities and commitment to preserve our environment, strictly abide to the environment law support the environment management policies and have applied them on every units of the organization together with cultivating the sense of environmental awareness throughout the company.

Boiler efficiency


Total Suspended Particulates
Sulfer Dioxide
Oxide of Nitrogen
Carbon Monoxide
Energy Saving and Environmental Impact reduction policies

Solar Cell System
PFG - Pataya Food Group has initiated the solar system project since 2017 to lessen the impact on environment and global warming issues by using alternative energy source from the Solar system which is considered as a clean source of energy and helps reducing carbon dioxide emission up to 90 tons per year or equivalent to 40 acres (100 rais) of trees.

Renewable Energy – Reduction of energy loss
PFG - Pataya Food Group has established a plan to reduce the loss of steam power during a Blow down process to an appropriate level and bring that energy back into the Water heating system which immensely reduces the cost of steam production each year.
Wastewater Treatment Policy to meet the Regulatory Standards

Wastewater Treatment
PFG - Pataya Food Group has effectively utilized the biochemical system for wastewater treatment in order to meet the standard criteria required by law. In addition, PFG has also equipped the Biochemical Oxygen Demand systems to be able to monitor and report the quality of wastewater continuously.
Air Pollution Control Policy

Air pollution control
PFG - Pataya Food Group has installed the air pollution treatment device with high quality in capable of trapping exhausts such as Sulfur Dioxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide, and miniscule dust particles, which created during the combustion process of steam boiler, to be in the standard level. The air quality inspection is performed at least twice a year through an accredited laboratory by the Department of Industrial.
PFG Sustainability Report
With dynamic changes and challenges in global economy and the impacts to the world environment, Pataya Food Group continuously moves forward by adjusting business strategies with strong growth that responds to consumer’s needs at all time. Most importantly, the sustainable development along the value chain (demand and supply) are carefully designed under the principle of social and environmental responsibility. E (Environment) S (Social) G (Governance) policy

Ethical Labor Management Policy
PFG - Pataya Food Group recognizes that the employees are served as a key factor in driving business towards the organization’ s success and sustainable growth. Therefore, PFG ensures that each employee shall be treated with caring and fairness on respect for human rights and commits to manage the welfare of employee, the fair employment as well as respects the employee rights and treats all employees equally, covering in the origin, education, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, race, nationality, idea, religion, age, marital status and disability.
In addition, PFG promotes and gives the opportunities to develop potential for career advancement to all employees equally as being a part of the commitment and development efforts for ethical business practices with responsibility to employees and all stakeholders continuously.

Good Food – Good Health for Kids through “Nautilus Kitchen”
The objectives of this campaign are to support school canteen renovation and promote good health via serving tasty Nautilus tuna dishes to students. Each year, PFG - Pataya Food Group plans to organize this event twice per year. This program is also part of our PFG DNA – Generous while we are give back to society.
Wat Samuttharam School
Baanlaem, Petchburi
On 22nd November 2024, Budget THB 300,000
From Kindergarten – Primary School
Total 53 Students and 12 Teacher
- Canteen renovation
- Ingredient for cooking
- Scholarship
- Lunch
- Recreation


Social Responsibility and Environment Awareness
PFG - Pataya Food Group’s Social Responsibility and Environment Awareness are intrinsically incorporated within one of our core business values. These principles have been put into actions under good governance as to be responsible for society and environment both inside and outside our organization. To reach our final target of Sustainable Development for example, PFG’s Project “Better Health for Kids”, or “Nautilus Kitchen” project, launched in 2017, is held twice a year to improve the quality of school kitchen and dining hall which helps promoting sanitation and health for all students and teachers in the school.
PFG’s Project “Better Health for Kids”, or “Nautilus Kitchen” project, launched in 2017, is held twice a year to improve the quality of school kitchen and dining hall which helps promoting sanitation and health for all students and teachers in the school.